Together with Hemnet we established the foremost award uniting the Swedish housing industry

The Story of Guldhemmet

In the Swedish housing market – Hemnet is the leading marketplace for buyers and sellers as well as an important hub and platform for brokers and housing developers.

Together with Hemnet we created Guldhemmet as a celebration of the extraordinary achievements within the industry, the start of an iconic award and gala as the definite celebratory gathering in the industry.

Guldhemmet made an impact already in its conceptual edition, March 2020. All through an elaborate nomination process, heavy weight jury, exciting announcement of finalists and hints about the evening’s programme to excite the industry about the gala and the meaning of the rewards. An evening to manifest Guldhemmet’s core purpose and engage all the guests in the vision.

Creating ripples in the water

Anyone who is active within the housing market is allowed to nominate in one or several of Guldhemmet’s categories. Guldhemmet’s jury elects finalists in every category. The finalists are announced and receive personalized social media toolkits to share the news in their social channels.

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